Gunbot XT just got released and it’s Awesome !
We are glad to announce the release of GUNBOT XT along with a pack of new upgrades, new strategies, a great Wiki and more .
What’s new in Gunbot XT
- A great Web GUI compatible with all Operating Systems.
- TradingView Chart integration for all your traded coin-pairs.
- New awesome Trading Strategies
- New market added : Bitfinex
- Wicked and comprehensive Gunbot WiKi
- The TradingView Addon for Gunbot
And those are just a few of the upcoming perks !
How to first run your new GUNBOT XT
- Install on : Windows | Linux | Mac OS | ARM
- How to use the Gunbot XT Web GUI
- Configuring Gunbot XT and Advance Usage
- Trading strategies :Bollinger Bands, StepGain, Gain, PingPong, BB-RSI, Trailing stop – stop limit and more combinations from the basic Strategies
- The Community Resources
Available Trading Strategies in Gunbot XT
- Bollinger Bands
- StepGain
- Gain
- PingPong
- Trailing stop – stop limit
- more available strategies : bbstepgain, bbgain, bbpp, stepgainbb, stepgaingain, stepgainpp, gainbb, gainstepgain, gainpp, ppbb, ppstepgain, ppgain
Supported Exchange in Gunbot XT
- Poloniex – https://poloniex.com/
- Kraken – https://kraken.com
- Bitfinex – https://bitfinex.com
- more markets will be added soon !