Update 27 Nov 2017

The official Gunbot XT Edition + Gunthy GUI v6.0.2 has been released on Github – today 27 Nov 2017.

Core changes

BTC pump protection: automatically prevent buy orders from being placed when BTC price and volume are under high pressure. This is configurable per strategy or pair using OKKIES_MODE and BTC_MONEY_FLOW.

Order recalculation: Gunbot now automatically cancels unfulfilled orders when the current price moved away. This also affects manually placed orders – when you run the bot on the same pair.

Configurable cache cleaner: some users reported cache issues after running Gunbot for a longer period, which prevented orders being placed. Gunbot can now be automatically restarted every x hours with BOT_CCLEAN – cleaning the cache every restart.

TSSL: Various improvements and a new default value for GAIN to prevent possibly selling at loss due to exchange fees.

BBRSITSSL: Added GAIN to the default strategy settings.

BBSRI: fix to no longer cause the strategy to override stop limit.

TradingView: several bugfixes and two new parameters: TV_TRADING_LIMIT_CAP and TV_STOPLOSS_PERCENTAGE. Unfulfilled orders are now automatically deleted.

TA library: Tuning TA library to what we need. Cleaning up some deprecated stuff.

Reduced data usage: fixed to decrease the amount of network traffic used by Gunbot.

Various: fix an issue that would display wrong message “Safety switch is on…” when the STOP_LIMIT is hit.

Various: fix pair cycling on Cryptopia.

GUI changes

Pause logs: logs can now be paused on the dashboard.
Improved dashboard performance: fixing performance issues related to handling big log files.
Strategy sorting: Strategies are now sorted logically in the strategy chooser dropdown.
Exchange keys: trim blank spaces from input for API and secret.


Gunbot 6.0.2 – Release Candidate – is out with fast fixes for what the community reported in the past few days, most important : caching issue that would prevent buy/sell orders after some days GB was running.

With Gunbot 6.0.2 the TradingView addon also has a bunch of tweaks, fixes and additions .

A public release will be soon available on Guthub

Gunbot 6.0.2 Download Links [ win / linux / mac-os ]


[GUNBOT XT EDITION] v.6.0.2_RC2/Linux/Windows/Mac core+GUI


– Fix a caching issue that would prevent buy/sell orders after some days GB was running.
– [TRADINGVIEW PLUGIN] Fix an issue that would sell at loss even if TV_PROTECTION is on: fuck Bittrex! Thanks @bennygrahn !!!!
– [BITFINEX] Take off post only orders from our algo
– Cache refresh every 1 hour instead of every 4 hours so @Narkotix is happier and calls me “da man”
– [TRADINGVIEW PLUGIN] Implement TV_TRADING_LIMIT_CAP and TV_STOPLOSS_PERCENTAGE. Fix an issue some users still reporting of email loop if no balance, Tx Finn and all cuteass TV group!
– [TRADINGVIEW PLUGIN] Fix data undefined error in buy orders
– [TRADINGVIEW PLUGIN] Fix an issue that would prevent to buy. Thanks @bennygrahn
– [GUNBOT XT EDITION] Tuning TA library to what we need. Cleaning up some deprecated stuff.
– [TRADINGVIEW PLUGIN] Parsing amount to buy even if trading cap is enabled. Thanks @the_rain_maker
– Fix issue #233 thanks h-parks!
– Implementing BOT_CCLEAN in config.js: default 1 hour in milliseconds, it is the timeout to clean up gunbot cache.
– Express BOT_CCLEAN in hours instead than in milliseconds 😛
– Reducing amount of data usage
– Fix an issue that would display wrong message “Safety switch is on…” when the STOP_LIMIT is hit. Thanks Astridbot.io!!
– tuning up TSSL family. Thanks @Trashdog01!!!

– Trim API Key/Secret \o/
– Add Timeout Clean on Bot Settings
– Only reload the dashboard every 30 minutes
– Add TRADES_TIMEOUT description
– TradingView parameters (BUY/SELL) are parsed as numbers
– Added new TradingView options
– Config file now is automatically downloaded from github when running the GUI, so defaults are always up to date
– Added toggle to switch logs streaming on/off – “Pause logs”
– Dashboard performance improvements
– Order strategies logically on Edit Setup page


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