List of supported exchanges ( updated 2022 )
Partner exchanges
These exchanges are official Gunbot partners. We are in direct contact with
their teams.
Exchange | Name in config | Native strategies | TradingView alerts |
Gunthy | mex_gunthy / futures_gunthy | spot & futures | spot & futures |
Bybit | bybit | futures | futures |
Beaxy | beaxy | spot | spot |
Binance | binance / binanceus | spot | spot |
Binance Futures | binanceFutures | futures | futures |
FTX | ftx | spot & futures | spot & futures |
HitBTC | hitbtc | spot | spot |
Kraken Futures | krakenFutures | futures | futures |
KuCoin | kucoin | spot | spot |
MEXC | mexc | spot | spot |
OKEx | okex5 | spot & futures | spot & futures |
Txbit | txbit | spot | spot |
Certified exchanges
These exchanges have been supported in Gunbot for a long time, you can expect
high quality API support.
Exchange | Name in config | Native strategies | TradingView alerts |
Bittrex | bittrex | spot | spot |
Bitfinex | bitfinex | spot | spot |
Bitmex | bitmex | futures | futures |
Bitmex testnet | bitmex_testnet | futures | futures |
CEX | cex | spot | spot |
Coinbase Pro | gdax | spot | spot |
Huobi Global | huobi | spot | spot |
Kraken | kraken | spot | spot |
Poloniex | poloniex | spot | spot |
Supported exchanges
Additional exchanges are connected through the ccxt library.
They may not have been fully tried and tested in Gunbot yet, proper working is
not guaranteed. These exchanges may support spot trading only, margin/futures
support is not yet connected in Gunbot. You can use any of
these exchanges for spot trading alerts using the TradingView add-on.
The Gunbot community has always requested more exchange markets integrations,
from the top markets to smaller ones.
Today we bring Gunbot and bitRage owners great news: Gunbot is getting
integrated with +136 Exchange Markets and even more are coming soon!</strong >
Thanks to the
CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library</a > both
Gunbot</a >
and bitRage will be equipped with the 136 integrated
cryptocurrency exchanges. CCXT states: “The CCXT library is used to connect and
trade with cryptocurrency exchanges and payment processing services worldwide.
It provides quick access to market data for storage, analysis, visualization,
indicator development, algorithmic trading, strategy backtesting, bot
programming, and related software engineering.”
The following cryptocurrency exchange markets and trading APIs: